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Start your transformation from stressed and overwhelmed supervisor to confident and empowered leader now!





focus on actions that align their goals with their values, creating the space to develop their team and impact students.


Are you ready to have
the freedom to...

  • Work strategically toward the things that matter most?

  • Create an environment where you and your team can truly thrive?

  • Have more energy for your family, friends, and yourself?

we get it...

We’ve been supervisors in higher ed for a combined 30+ years. We know how rewarding it can be, but also the stress and frustration.


When we got the right supervisor training combined with using the CliftonStrengths framework, it changed how we dealt with our team and ourselves.


As Gallup Certified Strengths Coaches, we’ve created a wholistic approach that combines using your Strengths to help you become the empowered, authentic leader you know is inside you.




When you combine your authentic leadership style with the right supervisor skills and understanding your team member's strengths, your confidence grows. 

Supervisor in higher education (African American Male) who is more confident because he got coaching and training from Strengths University.


When you understand your strengths and how to create effective systems for your department and team, you'll be empowered to make the changes you need to be more impactful. 

Supervisor in higher education (Caucasian female) who is being more effective in her leadership role because of the coaching and training she got from Strengths University.


When your confidence and sense of power grows, so does your ability to manage your stress. As you grow as a supervisor, you'll move from a sense of overwhelm to balance.

Supervisor in higher education (Muslim female) who is less stressed because of the coaching and training she recieved from Strengths University.
Team Meeting

Register Now for

the Summer 2025



May 27 - July 22




 EXPIRES MARCH 31, 2025 


Become a More  Confident & Empowered Leader in Higher Education—In Just 8 Weeks! Uncover Your Strengths, Learn to Manage Your Time & Energy More Effectively, & Implement A Proven Method For Authentic, Transformative Leadership.

Image by Sincerely Media

educate. engage. empower.

supervising CAN BE hard. working with us is easy.


Looking for individual support? Sign up for one of our virtual workshops or coaching packages.


Looking for customized support for you and your team? Contact us to set up a training (virtually or in-person)  customized for you and your team.


Looking for courses that are flexible? You can learn on your own time at your own pace with our online courses. 

maybe, but IDK...

We hear you. We've sat through our share of trainings, book clubs, and workshops that seemed promising, but didn't actually change our lives like we'd hoped.


We combine the power of CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder & StrengthsQuest), mastering the supervisor skills that most of us never actually got trained on, and most importantly - using that information to develop habits and systems to ensure the changes stick. We focus on implementation so you can take what you've learned and make it work for you.  


Working harder doesn't work. Working smarter doesn't work either, if "smarter" is just how someone else would do it. What does work is making, small meaningful changes to your habits and processes that align with your talents and objectives. We provide coaching, training, team building, and retreat services so you and your team achieve your goals and decrease your stress. 

Strengths University Venn Diagram. Strengths University combines using a strengths framework (talent assessment by CliftonStrengths, formerly StrengthsFinder and StrengthsQuest), mastering supervisor skills, and creating habits and systems to support you and your team as you work more effectively to accomplish your goals and decrease your stress.

don't take our word for it...

Rachel Beech
California State University - San Bernardino
ssociate VP, Enrollment Managment

The opportunity to have my entire leadership team participate in the same experience has been invaluable. It has given the team a shared language around leadership and has allowed them to acknowledge their struggles and successes. Through the program we created a safe space through which to navigate our challenges and have grown together as a team. It was well worth the investment of time and money to see such a dramatic impact on my leadership team's development as individuals.

Headshot Outdoor 2016 - Rachel Beech.jpg
Deborah Carter testimonial for Strengths University higher education supervisor coaching and training.
DebORAH CarteR
St. Louis Community College
Campus Vice President, Student Affairs

Anne and Alicia’s workshops are so engaging and informative. They go out of their way to customize the workshop. The workshop feedback from the team has been so positive. It is very encouraging to hear team members use Strengths knowledge in their conversations with each other and in their handling of situations that come their way. We look forward to continued growth with Anne and Alicia’s coaching!  

Check Out Our Bi-Weekly Podcast!

We've got two great options for you...


Check out our weekly podcast, My Circus, My Monkeys. You can listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn + Alexa, or website (click below). Or we have a blog version if you'd rather read your content!

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